
Codad Saafi Ah

Dhawaqyo Kala Duwan

Kaydinta Codka Ilaa Muddo

Kaantaroolid Buuxda

Helidda Codka

Xuquuqda Lahaanshiyaha

Waxaan Macaamiisheena U Soo Bandhignaa Adeegyadeena Ugu Fiican.

Custom Pronunciations

Define how specific words are pronunced. Save and re-use those pronunciations when synthesizing speech.

Voice Inflections

Fine-tune Rate, Pitch, Emphasis and Pauses to create a more suitable voice tone.

Speech Styles

Use expressive emotional speaking styles to make the voices sound more natural and engaging.

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700+ Voices and 60+ languages

Choose from a growing library of 700+ natural-sounding Text to Speech voices across 60+ languages and accents.


Get the high quality text to speech audio from companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google and IBM.